Cannabis or as it is more commonly known has quite a colorful history in the United States. Dating all the way to when the territory was first being established. In fact, cultivating cannabis plants became one of the plants grown and exported in the Jamestown settlement back in the 1600s. Early on it was obvious that the plant had medicinal properties to it, and during the early 1900s, it was widely used as a pharmaceutical narcotic. But as time went by on Cannabis took on another role and that was as something used for recreational purposes, and perhaps this is where the trouble with this plant in nature started.
Cannabis Outlawed and Revival
Cannabis started to be used more recreationally, either by drinking the liquid version or of course smoking it. That became a problem due to a substance within the Cannabis plant known as THC which can cause individuals to become impaired and not make proper judgments. Over them to make the buzz even greater synthetic versions of recreational marijuana were being created. By the sixties, it became obvious that the issue with Cannabis was becoming out of control and by the seventies, the federal government outlawed any use of the plant. This caused another problem there were those who still used cannabis, and some for medicinal purposes. That led to the debate of cannabis continuing and whether it should at least be used medicinally.
Medicinal Cannabis Growing in Acceptance
Despite its bad rap, there was no denying that Cannabis had a purpose and had medicinal benefits. It had been helpful to those battling cancer, helped to relieve seizures in epileptics and help to control chronic pain just to name a few. So, in 1978 New Mexico became the first state to actually legalize Cannabis for medicinal purposes. Eventually, 32 other states followed suit as well. However, that was just medicinal cannabis what about recreational.
Recreational Cannabis Reemerging
Believe it or not, recreational Cannabis is slowly but surely coming back as well. To date, ten states have agreed to let individuals actually have Cannabis for recreational purposes, and more recreational cannabis dispensaries are starting to pop up. The thing is Cannabis isn’t just about smoking a rolled joint, there are several different versions that can be found. This ranges from buying the actual plant or seeds to liquid version or even edibles.
Dangers of Recreational Cannabis
The thing to remember is that yes Cannabis is a plant found in nature, but when using it especially for recreational purposes there are things to consider. First of all, understand the side effects and there could be some. Second and this is very important especially when dealing with the edibles, keep these somewhere, that no one other than the individual there is meant for will get a hold of it. The reason these tend to look like average cookies or candy which could fool others including kids but should only be used as recommended. Bottom line Cannabis is a controlled substance kind of like alcohol both can be used recreationally but both need to be used in moderations as well.